Feeling Free to Create Life on Your Terms

I remember the first time I truly felt free. 

It was June of 2017.  It was mid-morning on a beautiful, warm, sunny day and I was on my way to yoga class with one of my favorite teachers.  I was driving my Chevy Cruz with the windows down and the sunroof open, so the sun was right on me and the wind was blowing my ponytail around.  

The song Crush by Dave Matthews Band was playing loudly in my car – the live version from my cd (yes, cd!) from their concert at Fenway Park that I attended many years before.  

As I was driving, I was overcome with a feeling of peace and gratitude, with the realization that it was happening for me – I was living the life I had started visioning not more than 6 months prior.  At that moment in time, I was incredibly aware that every aspect of my life then was created by my dreams, my decisions, and my ability to follow my heart, even when my actions didn’t make sense to anyone around me.  

I had just been laid off a couple months before, and instead of falling to the pressure of rushing into another job right away, I decided to take the time and space to explore what was the right next step for me.  

I also knew that I needed some time to spend with Mya, who was freshly 3 years old at the time, and to create the relationship that I wanted us to have.  Before I made this space for myself, I was too distracted by the craziness of my life to be the mom I wanted to be for her, and it was time to change that.  

After I got laid off, I kept her in daycare a couple of days a week so I had kid-free time to care for myself, figure what was next for me, and then a few days a week that were ‘Mommy and Mya Days’.  I still have so many great memories from that time and not only did it change the course of our relationship with each other, but it really enabled me to build my confidence as a mom.  

I was working with a life coach and continuing my yoga practice, two things that were (and still are) integral to my journey to grow and create the next level of my life, but seemed so out of reach when I first set that intention.  

I felt free because I was able to see and feel what it was like to be in my power, creating my life on purpose - on my terms.

I was no longer following the path that was laid out to me by the world, promising me a feeling of success and happiness that I never found on it.

I felt grateful because I had trusted my instincts, followed my heart, and had the courage to make change, no matter how difficult it was at times, and I was able to enjoy the payoff from that.  

And because I had got myself to this place, which once seemed so impossible to me, it made anything seem possible.  I got to feel the freedom that comes with being open to so many possibilities and the full belief that you can create the life you want.  I was able to totally enjoy the place I was at and be excited about the growth and possibility that was still out there for me as I continued to evolve and step into each new version of myself, which is the sweet spot of life.  

One of my favorite parts about this journey is that now I get to help other moms awaken to the life they’ve been creating, and help guide them to use their power more intentionally so they can create a life that really lights them up too.  

If reading this sparked something in you – if somewhere deep inside you know you want something more from your life and you’re feeling the nudge to make change – I invite you to reach out to me and let’s talk!

Your heart and soul are responding to this for a reason.  I get you and I understand what it feels like to be where you are.  And I know how to help you create the next level version of your life, as you become who you’re really meant to be.  

I’m creating a sisterhood of moms who are taking this journey together, so you can move forward being held and supported by other moms who are just like you – and I’d love you to join us!  

Are you ready to break free from
the box that society is trying to put
you in as a mom and a woman,
so that you can create
an intentional life that you love?

Send me an email at coachshandih@gmail.com
and let's talk about it!

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About Me

I help moms to feel good and live a life they love! I’m a wife and mom of 2 girls, Mya and Ava, with another daughter on the way. I’m also a former social worker, a life-long Rhode Islander, and a lover of pizza and tacos.

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