Motherhood Reignited

A customized 90 day, one-on-one program to help you re-awaken your powerful self-identity (outside of being mom), love the life you’re in now and create a life that totally lights you up!  All while ditching the mom-guilt, people pleasing and overwhelm that is holding you back.

Are you a mom ready to completely reinvigorate your routine life, taking it from mundane to meaningful, and experience a new reality where the dreams you’ve given up on come back into your life to become fully revealed and realized?

Then Motherhood Reignited is the program for you!

Does some or all of this sound like you?

~ You feel like you should be happy but you feel dissatisfied

~ You’re exhausted and you just can’t find time for yourself

~ You have an aching feeling that something is missing in your life

~ You are overwhelmed trying to manage your family life and work life

~ You know it is time for things to change but you don’t know where to start

~ You feel like you don’t know who you are anymore outside of the roles in your life

~ You’re tired of feeling angry, resentful and overwhelmed all the time

~ You want a better relationship with your kids, your partner and, most importantly, yourself

Isn't it time to MAKE YOU A PRIORITY?

I was in the place you are now.  I know what it’s like to want to make a change but not know where to start. To want things to be different but be scared because you aren’t sure you even believe it’s possible.  You’ve tried so many times before and nothing has ever worked for you.

My one-one-one coaching program will support you to connect with your desires and help you reach your goals –  all while ditching the mom-guilt, people-pleasing and overwhelm that isn’t serving you!

This coaching experience is a true partnership! Think of me as your supporter and guide, available to you right in your backpocket. I will help you uncover the clarity that already exists inside of you and work with you to create a roadmap to make your desires a reality. And I will help you be in action to make things happen! 

Through this coaching process you will:

  • Understand why you’re feeling unhappy and unfulfilled, even if some parts of  your life are great and you feel you ‘should’ be happy
  • Learn where you’re not being true to yourself – in other words, living a life based on everyone else’s thoughts and opinions – and develop the self-confidence and resilience to do things your way
  • Learn how to make changes to your day-to-day life in small, manageable ways that have a big impact, without overwhelming yourself
  • Create better relationships with your partner, kids, friends and family members – and discover how those relationships can inspire your life, not take away from it
  • Learn what it means to prioritize yourself, your goals and your wellness, while still being the awesome mom you want to be
  • Learn the patterns, behaviors and mindsets that are holding you back and what to do instead
  • Learn how to ditch the mom-guilt, people-pleasing and overwhelm that isn’t serving you
  • Move from acting like ‘everything’s okay’ (when it’s not) to confidently handling life as it occurs with a calm mental and physical state

Moms who work with me feel:

  • Supported to make changes in their life
  • Energized by their families and careers
  • Awakened to their true selves again
  • Equipped to manage time, energy and to-do’s in a way that feels easeful
  • Confident and not afraid to go against the grain
  • Empowered to handle the challenges of momlife with humor and ease
  • Championed by their coach (me!) every step of the way

In Motherhood Reignited You’ll get:

Nine (9) 60 minute one-on-one sessions

via Zoom (3x a month for 3 months) so we can celebrate successes, break through barriers and get clear on next steps

Customized Action Plan

Based on my 4 pillar system of Vision, Mastering your Foundation, Action and Alignment, and Achievement, we’ll create a plan tailored to your specific situation and goals so you will always know exactly what you can be doing daily to get where you’re wanting to go

Voxer and Email Support

Like a coach in your pocket for those times in between sessions when you’re feeling especially challenged and stuck – or fired up and wanting to share a win


What my clients are saying about working with me:

Click the button below to book a discovery call with me and let’s find out if Motherhood Reignited is right for you!

Grab the FREE guide:

How to Reverse the Mom Guilt